Fund Details

The Peregrine Fund does not represent a complete investment program, and is best suited as a long-term holding representing up to 10% of invested funds. An investment in the Peregrine Fund should be viewed as a speculative investment, and entered into by those who could handle the loss of the entire investment.

Current clients typically expect to hold the Peregrine Fund for a term consistent with goals such as building an inheritance, investing for retirement, or diversifying their investment portfolio.

  • The Peregrine Fund is available directly from Peregrine to Accredited Investors in the provinces of Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Quebec
  • The minimum investment is $150,000
  • There is a 1-year hold on redemption of the initial investment
  • There are no transaction fees payable on either subscription or redemption
  • The Peregrine Fund charges a Management Fee of 2% annually, and receives a Performance Fee of 20% over a hurdle of an annual investment return of 8% (net of fees)

Peregrine Trust

The Peregrine Trust was established in June 2018 to accept registered investments (RRSPs and TFSAs) from Accredited Investors, which the core Peregrine Fund cannot.

To invest in the Trust, clients must open a new account with our intermediary trust company, who will administer the registered plans. As with the Fund, the actual portfolio investments will be held by Peregrine’s prime broker at TD Bank.

The Trust aims to have an identical portfolio of investments to the Fund.

Fund Details above are also applicable to the Trust.